
Nature & Biodiversity
We have a team of in-house experts and specialized experienced external associates, which consists of biologists, ornithologists, habitats, fauna and flora experts, zoologists, experts in Protected Areas and National Parks Management, experts in environmental economics and environmental engineers.
Our team has a considerable experience in elaborating Management Plans for Protected Areas (Natura 2000 network), implementing Appropriate Assessment Studies and has supported the Competent Authorities to implement and comply with the EU legislation framework (mainly Habitats 92/43/EEC and Birds 2009/147/EC Directives).
Appropriate Assessment (AA) of the potential adverse effects of a plan or project on Special Areas of Conservation and Special Protection Areas (Natura 2000 network), is also our expertise. The AA study is streamlined with the EIA/SEA processes, and it is implemented using the latest methodological EU guidances on the provisions of Article 6(3) and (4) of the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC.
More specifically, the services provided are:
- Protected Areas Management Plans
- Implementation of Sustainable Development Plans for Protected Areas
- Advisory on Sustainable Tourism
- Habitat mapping
- Desk and field surveys for habitat, flora and fauna
- Design and implementation of monitoring schemes for habitats and species
- Sampling, Analysis and Evaluation of Biological Quality Elements of water bodies
- Appropriate Assessments for various projects and plans
- Stakeholder engagement, public consultation, conflict resolution
- Ecological assessment and surveys
Our Outcomes
Related Projects

WAT-DIMON- Novel DNA-based test for the identification of benthic diatoms of European Freshwater Waterbodies (EUROSTARS/0519/0005)

Sampling, sample analysis and evaluation of biological quality elements (rivers). Implementation of Article 8 of Directive 2000/60/EC