
I.A.CO awarded to deliver a Hydrological and Hydraulic Study for the Pedagogical Academy National Forest Park

akadimia park

I.A.CO has signed a Contract with the Cyprus Forest Association for the preparation of a hydrological and hydraulic study for the «Pedagogical Academy National Forest Park» in Nicosia. This study is foreseen to be performed within the Project titled “Ηolistic management of the water at the Pedagogical Academy National Forest Park”.

The objective of the study is the hydrological and hydraulic analysis of the river “Katevas” which flows within the area of the park, for the assessment of the flood risk of the park from the river’s flood flows. The flood risk assessment will indicate the areas of the park that are vulnerable to inundation, and will propose the appropriate flood protection measures, including the implementation of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS).

The study will include the construction drawings of the measures to be proposed, as well as an estimation of the cost of the proposed works.

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akadimia park
I.A.CO awarded to deliver a Hydrological and Hydraulic Study for the Pedagogical Academy National Forest Park

Addressing needs in an engineering sound and environmentally sustainable manner.