
Public consultation for the EIA of the construction and operation of a Photovoltaic Park in Pachna community


The public consultation according article 26 of the EIA Law (L.128(I)/2018) for the EIA of the construction and operation of a Photovoltaic Park of a capacity of 2,5MW in Pachna, was launched on the 12th of December 2024.

The ΕΙΑ study presents in detail the under examination project and its construction and operation characteristics, the biotic, abiotic and anthropogenic environment of the area, as well as the assessment of the impacts on the environment and the measures proposed to mitigate them. Τhe EIA study that will be available until Sunday 29th of December 2024 at

The local authority, and all interested parties are invited to participate in this public consultation. Any comments can be sent to the e-mail address, within the aforementioned time period.

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Public consultation for the EIA of the construction and operation of a Photovoltaic Park in Pachna community

Addressing needs in an engineering sound and environmentally sustainable manner.